M. Ghazel Adaptive fractal image compression in the spatial and wavelet domains
(M.A.Sc. Thesis, 1998, Electrical and Computer Engineering, UW; cosupervised with A. Khandani)
T. Holly Some Fractal, Wavelet and Fractal-Wavelet Methods of Function Approximation
(M.Math. Thesis, 1998, Applied Math, UW)
J. Silver Chaos Games for Wavelet Analysis and Synthesis
(M.Math. Thesis, 1998, Applied Math, UW)
D. Piché IFSM, Wavelets and Fractal-Wavelets: Three Methods of Approximation
(M.Math. Thesis, 1997, Pure Math, UW; cosupervised with W. Gilbert)
D. Harder On Iterated Function Systems With Grey-Level Maps
(M.Math. Thesis, 1997, Applied Math, UW)
M. Ghazel Fractal, Function and Image Approximation Using Iterated
Transformation Systems
(M.Math. Thesis, 1994, Applied Math, UW)
Q. Fan Fractal Construction Using Iterated Function Systems and
Iterated Fuzzy Set Systems
(M.Math. Thesis, 1991, Applied Math, UW; cosupervised with B. Forte)
Undergraduate research assistants
J. Hicken
Solution of inverse problems for ODEs using collage coding (NSERC USRA, 2000)