The image repository is divided into three sets:
Most of our images are may be downloaded in gif, pmg, raw, tga, and tif format, here. You can also download individual images (in tif format) by clicking on the thumbnails below.
There are twelve images in GreySet1. Some are photographic pictures, others are synthetic; one is a montage of four smaller pieces. This mix helps to evaluate the performance of an image processing algorithm on various kinds of graphical material (e.g. landscapes, portraits, text, computer graphics, etc.). All images are 256x256x8.
There are twelve images in GreySet2. Most are photographic pictures and many are 'classics' of the image processing literature. For some reason, the classics tend to be 512x512 pixels in size. To make this set more challenging, some images with unusual dimensions are included.
There are eight images in the ColorSet. Five are photographic pictures, three are examples of computer generated art. Lena and Peppers are classic images; the rest are new.