the waterloo
fractal coding and analysis group
our research
students and theses
our publications
image repository
group members
University of Waterloo Links
The University of Waterloo
In Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
The Faculty of Mathematics
At the University of Waterloo
The Department of Applied Math
At the University of Waterloo
The Vision and Image Processing Lab
At the Unviversity of Waterloo
Some External Links
The International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition
An annual conference that brings together researchers in the fields of Image Processing, Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition
USC Image Database
An Image Database Administered by the Signal and Image Processing Institute at The University of Southern California
A scientific journal published by World Scientific
Fractal Artwork
On DeviantART
Acadia University
This section of our website is currently under construction.
IFS and Fractal Coding
A Brief History
Past Progress (1990 to 2000)
Recent Progress (2000 onwards)
University of Acadia
University of Guelph
University of Houston
University of Milan
University of Waterloo